Graduate Computer Science and Engineering, Full stack developement, Machine Learning

A little about me

I'm passionate about developing, understanding, and interpreting data for informed decision-making, creating state-of-the-art software solutions in fast-paced, high-pressure environment.

My Skillsets

Full Stack Development

Backend: Python Frontend - Bootstap 5, HTML, CSS, Javascript Framework: Django Database: PostgreSQL ORM, SQL .

Machine Learning

numpy, pandas, matplotlib, tensorflow, cv2 (OpenCV), PIL (Python Imaging Library), scikit-learn

IDEs and Languages


C++, C, Python

Recent Porojects

Red Attack: Resource-Efficient-Decision-based-Attack-for-Machine-Learning

Traditional decision-based attacks require a large number of queries to generate a single untargeted attack image, which is not suitable for resource-constrained systems where real-time performance is crucial. To overcome this limitation, the RED-Attack introduces a resource-efficient methodology to generate imperceptible attacks for black-box models.

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ORM based Employee Management System

The Employee Management System is a Django Python software that provides a user-friendly interface to manage employee data within an organization. It utilizes Django's Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for seamless interaction with the database, making it a powerful and efficient tool for HR and management personnel.

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More Projects

Explore a diverse range of my projects that showcase my passion for coding and problem-solving. One of my notable contributions is the 'Enhancement of Underwater Images with Statistical Model of BL and Optimization of TM,' a Python implementation for enhancing underwater images based on a sophisticated statistical model. On a different note, I've developed a practical console-based To-Do List application in C++, allowing users to efficiently manage tasks. Check out the 'massemailsender' repository for an Automated Email Sender using Python and Pandas, demonstrating my proficiency in automating tasks. Additionally, I've ventured into web development with an Odoo-based Fish E-commerce Platform, creating an innovative solution for buying and selling aquarium fishes. Other projects include a Resume Generator, a PDF Character-Word-Sentence Counter, and a Spectrogram Generator from live audio. Don't miss the GTSRB-DNN-ImageClassifier, where I implemented a deep neural network for image classification using the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark dataset. These projects highlight my expertise in Python, C++, HTML, and more, showcasing my commitment to diverse and impactful coding endeavors.

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Drop me a line


BTM layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka,


+91 6282 671659